वनस्पति विज्ञान >> एलीमेण्ट्स ऑफ बॉटनी भाग-3 एलीमेण्ट्स ऑफ बॉटनी भाग-3डॉ. एस एन पाण्डेयडॉ. मीता पाण्डेय
उत्तर प्रदेश के विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों के बी.एस-सी. प्रथम वर्ष के तृतीय प्रश्नपत्र हेतु स्वीकृत एकीकृत पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित अंग्रेजी भाषा में
For maintaining similarities and uniformity, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh has introduced a modified and unified course for undergraduate students of all universities of the state. With the new course, examination papers are to be set in new patterns. There will be three papers in each subject, each of 50 marks. Each paper will comprise + units. There will be 9 questions in each paper and student has to attempt only 5 questions. Question I will be compulsory based on units 1-4 (I-IV) and of short answer type. Two questions will be set from each unit of which one question has to be attempted. All questions will carry equal marks.
As such, there is no any adequate book in the market to cover these courses with new patterns of questions. Efforts have been made to prepare this book according to the recommended pattern. At places, hints for long and short questions have been given without affecting the textual synchronisation. However, due to change in the pattern and old practices of study, some variations may come up. Such arrangement will help students to revise and check their studies. References of university examination questions have been included at proper places.
According to new courses, the subject has been divided into three papers -
FIRST PAPER: Diversity of Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi
SECOND PAPER: Diversity of Algae, Lichens and. Bryophytes
THIRD PAPER: Diversity of Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Elementary Palaeobotany
(Pteridophytes: General features, classification, stellar system and its evolution, Comparative study of morphology, anatomy, development, vegetative and reproductive systems of following:
Lycopsida : Lycopodium, Selaginella Psilopsida, Rhynia)
1. Pteridophyta: Salient features and Classification 3-10
2. Stellar system of Pteridophytes 11-14
3. Rhynia 15-18
4. Lycopodium 19-35
5. Selaginella 36-51
Unit-2 PTERIDOPHYTA (Contd.)
(General and comparative account of gametophytic and sporophytic system in Filicopsida :Pteridium, Marsilea. Heterospory and seed habit)
6. Pteridium 55-67
7. Marsilea 68-86
8. Heterospory and Seed habit 87-90
9. Short Questions 91-95
10. Very short Questions 96-99
11. Multiple Choice Questions 100-116
(Gymnosperms: General characters, classification, Comparative study of morphology, anatomy, development of vegetative and reproductive parts in - Cycadales : Cycas, Coniferales : Pinus).
1. Gymnosperms: General Characters, Classification, Distribution and Economic Importance 3-9
2. Cycas 10-31
3. Pinus 32-56
Unit-4 GYMNOSPERMS (Contd.)
(Study of morphology, anatomy, development and reproductive parts in: Coniferales : Pinus'; Gnetales : Ephedra Affinities and relationship of Gymnosperms, evolutionary significance. Elementary Palaeobotany :general account, types of fossils, methods of fossilization and geological time scale)
4. Ephedra 59-72
5. Affinities, Relationships and Evolutionary Significance of Gymnosperms 73-77
6. Comparative Account of Cycas, Pinus and Ephedra 78-83
7. Palaeobotany 84-102